Rainbow Fraction® Liquid Measuring Cups & Spoons
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Product Detail
Colorful, food-safe liquid measuring cups and spoons provide a hands-on way for children to learn measurement. The nesting design allows them to double as a stacking toy. Set of 8. Includes activity guides.
ECERS-3: Nature/science 3.1 - At least 5 developmentally appropriate nature/science materials from at least 2 categories are accessible for at least 25 minutes during the observation.
ECERS-3: Math materials and activities 3.1 - At least 2 different, appropriate math materials from each of the 3 categories (counting/comparing quantities; measuring/comparing sizes/fractions; familiarity with shapes) are accessible for at least 25 minutes during the observation.
- Ages 3+
- Set of 8 (4 cups & 4 spoons)
- Includes Activity guide